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Warum eine Almaty Autovermietung mit VIP Cars buchen?

All-inclusive Preisgestaltung

Mieten Sie einen Mietwagen in Almaty zu Preisen, die CDW, Diebstahlversicherung, unbegrenzte Kilometeranzahl usw. beinhalten.

Bewährte Verleihfirmen

Führende Mietwagen-Anbieter in Almaty – EuropCar, Avis


Massive Einsparungen bei Almaty Mietwagen Deals

Keine Stornierungsgebühren

VIP Cars bietet eine kostenfreie Stornierung für Autovermietungen in Almaty

Sichere Online Buchung

Nutzen Sie eine sichere Buchungsplattform um ein Auto in Almaty zu reservieren.

Größte Auswahl an Autos

Wählen Sie zwischen Economy, Mini-Van, Geländewagen oder Luxusautos in Almaty

Mietwagen Almaty

Mietwagen Almaty - Kasachstan
Almaty is Kazakhstan’s largest city and former capital. It is the country’s major cultural and commercial center. Almaty is situated at the southern mountainous part of Kazakhstan.

It is close to the border of Kyrgyzstan. Since, it is the financial center of Central Asia; the city is swarmed by expatriate communities and tourists. Almaty is surrounded by snow capped and rugged mountains, which enhance its scenic beauty and attract tourists from near and far. It slopes generally from south to north and therefore, navigating and moving around the streets of Almaty is easy. The city is also amongst 50 most expensive cities in the world. However, most parts of the city are undiscovered and also distinctive in nature. You can travel by air, as many airlines have regular flights to Almaty. The mountainous town is direction-wise a critical feat. The destinations are more like intersections. Thus, rent a car from trusted and well-versed rental services like, VIP Cars because they will help you get around the city easily.
Besten Angebote

Günstige Mietwagenangebote in Kasachstan

Economy USD 10.73 /Tag
Kompakt USD 13.94 /Tag
Van / Minivan USD 19.31 /Tag
Luxus USD 23.6 /Tag

Standorte der Autovermietung in oder in der Nähe von Almaty

Top Autovermietungsstandorte in Kasachstan