Mietwagen Lesotho

Vergleichen Sie die besten Autovermietungen für Lesotho

  • EuropCar EuropCar
  • Alamo Alamo

Warum eine Lesotho Autovermietung mit VIP Cars buchen?

All-inclusive Preisgestaltung

Mieten Sie einen Mietwagen in Lesotho zu Preisen, die CDW, Diebstahlversicherung, unbegrenzte Kilometeranzahl usw. beinhalten.

Bewährte Verleihfirmen

Führende Mietwagen-Anbieter in Lesotho – EuropCar, Alamo


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Größte Auswahl an Autos

Wählen Sie zwischen Economy, Mini-Van, Geländewagen oder Luxusautos in Lesotho

Mietwagen Lesotho

Mietwagen Lesotho
Landlocked Lesotho is completely surrounded by the much larger South Africa. An independent country, it is a little over 30,000 square kilometres in size and is divided into ten administrative districts. Because the vast majority of inhabitants come from the Basotho ethnic group, the country is awash with traditions and unique cultural practices.

Traditional stone or mud brick houses are still constructed today, traditional clothing is worn by men and women and the sounds of traditional music can be heard along the streets. Undulating mountain ranges and gushing rivers contribute to the stunning scenery that makes up Lesotho. With all its land lying at 1500 metres above sea level, or higher, Lesotho takes advantage of its layout by fostering activities such as skiing, abseiling, pony trekking and hiking, as well as activities connected to nature. Explore this land of extremes in a hire car from internationally recognised VIP Cars.

Günstige Mietwagenangebote in Lesotho

Economy USD 16 /Tag
Kompakt USD 19 /Tag
Van / Minivan USD 24 /Tag
Luxus USD 30 /Tag

Top Autovermietungsstandorte in Lesotho

Top Autovermietungsstandorte in Lesotho