Mietwagen Mellieha

Vergleichen Sie die besten Autovermietungen für Mellieha

  • Sixt Sixt
  • Ace Ace
  • Budget Budget
  • Surprice Car Rental Surprice Car Rental
  • Princess Car Hire Princess Car Hire
  • Green motion Green motion
  • CB Rentals CB Rentals
  • Sun Car Rentals Sun Car Rentals
  • Aquarius Rent A Car Aquarius Rent A Car

Warum eine Mellieha Autovermietung mit VIP Cars buchen?

All-inclusive Preisgestaltung

Mieten Sie einen Mietwagen in Mellieha zu Preisen, die CDW, Diebstahlversicherung, unbegrenzte Kilometeranzahl usw. beinhalten.

Bewährte Verleihfirmen

Führende Mietwagen-Anbieter in Mellieha – Sixt, Ace, Budget, Surprice Car Rental, Princess Car Hire, Green motion, CB Rentals, Sun Car Rentals, Aquarius Rent A Car


Massive Einsparungen bei Mellieha Mietwagen Deals

Keine Stornierungsgebühren

VIP Cars bietet eine kostenfreie Stornierung für Autovermietungen in Mellieha

Sichere Online Buchung

Nutzen Sie eine sichere Buchungsplattform um ein Auto in Mellieha zu reservieren.

Größte Auswahl an Autos

Wählen Sie zwischen Economy, Mini-Van, Geländewagen oder Luxusautos in Mellieha

Mietwagen Mellieha

Mietwagen Mellieha, Mellieha - Malta
A rented car from VIP Cars is a great idea for anyone staying in the village of Mellieha on the island of Malta. A popular summer time tourist destination in the northwest part of the country, many visitors to Mellieha are taking advantages of fantastic online deals and setting forth to explore Malta independently.

In Mellieha one can enjoy the nice beaches, restaurants and bar and see the pretty parish church, wartime air raid shelters and other local landmarks. Some traditional buildings remain in the village. There are good accommodation options to choose from, meeting all budgets. From Mellieha it is possible to drive to the entire major Maltese towns and cities, as well as smaller rural villages. Take your time to discover the diverse history of this island and all the civilisations and countries that have inhabited Maltese lands, admire the lovely countryside and take a little piece of the country home in your heart.

Günstige Mietwagenangebote in Malta

Economy USD 11.31 /Tag
Kompakt USD 13.36 /Tag
Van / Minivan USD 18.5 /Tag
Luxus USD 22.61 /Tag

Standorte der Autovermietung in der Nähe von Mellieha