자동차 렌트 Durres Port

Durres Port 을 상위 렌터카 업체 비교

  • EuropCar EuropCar
  • Alamo Alamo
  • National National
  • Enterprise Enterprise
  • Auto Europa Sicily Auto Europa Sicily
  • Green motion Green motion
  • Keddy Keddy
  • Autounion Autounion
  • Ace Rental Cars Ace Rental Cars
  • Carwiz Carwiz

왜 VIP 자동차로 Durres Port 렌터카를 예약해야 할까요?

모두 포함된 가격

자기손해면책금, 도난 면책금, 무제한 마일리지 등의 옵션과 함께 Durres Port 에서 차를 렌트하세요

신뢰할 수 있는 렌탈 회사들

Durres Port 내 주요 자동차 렌터카 업체들 - EuropCar, Alamo, National, Enterprise, Auto Europa Sicily, Green motion, Keddy, Autounion, Ace Rental Cars, Carwiz

최저가 보장

Durres Port 자동차 렌트비 절약

취소 수수료 없음

VIP Cars 는 Durres Port 렌터카 취소 수수료가 무료입니다

안전한 온라인 예약

안전한 예약 플랫폼으로 Durres Port 렌터카를 예약하세요

다양한 자동차 옵션

Durres Port 여행을 위해 이코노미, 미니밴, SUV, 럭셔리 등 원하는 차종을 선택하세요

자동차 렌트 Durres Port

Rent a car with VIP Cars at Durres Port to save big! Enjoy drives around Durres to explore its beautiful coastline and beaches. We offer cheapest prices on car rental services and as we are associated with major international as well as domestic suppliers around Durres, you get a wide variety of rental fleets to choose from. Our booking engine is fairly easy, where you can put filters for a customized search results. We make sure our customers get answered for all the rental queries is why we offer 24/7 customer support. You can also make offline bookings with us on a call. Have the freedom and ease to drive around the city at your own pace.

Tips to Rent a Car at Durres Port

  • The minimum age to rent a car in Durres is 21, for the renters below the age of 25 years have to pay a young driver’s surcharge.
  • Most of the renters in Durres prefer renting economy cars, as the cars are fuel efficient and have cheaper rates.
  • Early car rental bookings are cheaper than on the spot bookings.
  • Durres Port is a popular car rental pick-up point, you can find many suitable car rental suppliers at the location.
  • Steering is on the left-hand side of the car in Durres and driving is on the right-hand side of the road.
  • Tirana is 37.2 km (36 minutes in a car) away from Durres.
  • One-way car rental and cross country car rental are also popular in Albania.
베스트 딜

의 저렴한 렌터카 딜 알바니아

이코노미 USD 11.44 /일
콤팩트 USD 13.52 /일
밴 / 미니밴 USD 18.71 /일
럭셔리 USD 21.83 /일

근처의 렌터카 위치 Durres Port