자기손해면책금, 도난 면책금, 무제한 마일리지 등의 옵션과 함께 Francistown Airport 에서 차를 렌트하세요
신뢰할 수 있는 렌탈 회사들
Francistown Airport 내 주요 자동차 렌터카 업체들 - EuropCar, Alamo, Bidvest
최저가 보장
Francistown Airport 자동차 렌트비 절약
취소 수수료 없음
VIP Cars 는 Francistown Airport 렌터카 취소 수수료가 무료입니다
안전한 온라인 예약
안전한 예약 플랫폼으로 Francistown Airport 렌터카를 예약하세요
다양한 자동차 옵션
Francistown Airport 여행을 위해 이코노미, 미니밴, SUV, 럭셔리 등 원하는 차종을 선택하세요
자동차 렌트 Francistown Airport (FRW)
Francistown airport currently offers its passengers flights to and from Gaborone and Johannesburg. You can start your tour of Francistown by arriving at the Francistown airport and driving to a nearby Restaurant like Barbara’s Bistro. Check out their selection of international menu and local dishes like pap and beef stew.
Once you are fully replenished head on to the Domboshaba ruins for an immersion of Botswana’s historical ruins. This place is 50 kilometers away from the city center. Next stop is the Tachila Nature Reserve. It is a huge place consisting of eight 200 hectares plot of land. Last stop is the SupaNgwao Museum which showcases the history and culture of Kalanga natives.
These places are quite far apart, so it is best to hire VIP cars rental. Each booking must be made online via VIPcars.com. Rest-assured we are a leading car rental service provider who offers competitive all-inclusive rates.