Noleggio Auto Siena

Confronta le migliori compagnie di autonoleggio per Siena

  • Hertz Hertz
  • Sixt Sixt
  • EuropCar EuropCar
  • Alamo Alamo
  • Buchbinder Buchbinder
  • Locauto Locauto
  • Auto Europa Sicily Auto Europa Sicily
  • Maggiore Maggiore
  • Centauro Centauro
  • Keddy Keddy

Perché prenotare il noleggio dell’auto a Siena da VIP Cars?

Tariffa Tutto Compreso

Noleggiate un’auto a Siena con tariffa comprensiva di CDW, Polizza Antifurto, Chilometraggio Illimitato etc.

Aziende di Noleggio Affidabili

I migliori fornitori di auto a noleggio a Siena – Hertz, Sixt, EuropCar, Alamo, Buchbinder, Locauto, Auto Europa Sicily, Maggiore, Centauro, Keddy

I Prezzi Più Convenienti Garantiti

Enormi risparmi sulle Condizioni di Noleggio dell’Auto a Siena

Nessuna Commissione sull’Annullamento

VIP Cars offre la cancellazione gratuita per i noleggi auto a Siena

Prenotazione Online Sicura

Prenotate un’auto per Siena tramite una piattaforma di prenotazione sicura

La Più Vasta Gamma di Auto

Scegliete tra Utilitaria, Monovolume, SUV & Auto di Lusso per Siena

Noleggio Auto Siena

Noleggio Auto Siena - Italia
Siena was originally founded by the Etruscans, a pre-Roman civilization that covered much of Northern Italy. Due to its insular location away from any Roman roads, Siena didn’t prosper under Rome. Similarly, Christianity did not penetrate the region until around 4AD.The central part of Siena is the oldest part of the town and has been named by UNESCO as a word heritage site. There are many buildings of note in this small Tuscan town, such as the Cathedral which was meant to be the largest in the world, but ended up much smaller and only partially completed when the money for its construction was dissipated.The Tuscan hills are perfect or exploring, and you’ll want to take in not only this town, but the area around it too. In order to make the most of your Tuscan holiday, rent a car from VIP Cars.
Offerte migliori

Offerte di noleggio auto economiche in Italia

Economiche USD 12.98 /Giorno
Compatte USD 15.14 /Giorno
Pulmini / Monovolume USD 19.47 /Giorno
Lusso / Premium USD 23.8 /Giorno

Ubicazione Noleggio auto a o nei pressi di Siena