Mietwagen Cali Innenstadt

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  • Localiza Localiza

Warum eine Cali Innenstadt Autovermietung mit VIP Cars buchen?

All-inclusive Preisgestaltung

Mieten Sie einen Mietwagen in Cali Innenstadt zu Preisen, die CDW, Diebstahlversicherung, unbegrenzte Kilometeranzahl usw. beinhalten.

Bewährte Verleihfirmen

Führende Mietwagen-Anbieter in Cali Innenstadt – Hertz, Avis, Localiza


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Größte Auswahl an Autos

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Mietwagen Cali Innenstadt

Mietwagen Cali Innenstadt, Cali - Kolumbien
Cali is situated in southwestern Colombia. In Cali Downtown, there can be discovered number of historical churches like La Ermita and La Merced. Plaza de Caicedo is the chief square of the city and situated in Cali Downtown. The downtown's 13th, 14th, and 15th streets are the bargain's hub of the city. Chipichape mall is a great indoor/outdoor shopping center established on avacated trains station and warehouse north of downtown.There are many nightclubs and restaurants in the city. In the city, La sexta or the 6th street and Menga havedeveloped to be the biggest area for clubbing. Sebastian de Belalcazar's monument is the most traveled to and popular monument in the city situated in the hills looking across the city. Juanchito is a host to a huge number of discotheques committed to salsa music. You can commute in Cali Downtown with car rental at most competitive prices.

Günstige Mietwagenangebote in Kolumbien

Economy USD 16 /Tag
Kompakt USD 19 /Tag
Van / Minivan USD 26 /Tag
Luxus USD 29 /Tag

Standorte der Autovermietung in der Nähe von Cali Innenstadt