Cagliari Downtown lies in the west of the city towards the port area. This is a great area in which to hire a car from VIP Cars as it provides you great access to locations across the city as well as linking up with roads to take you out of the city into the surrounding area. Then you can decide whether to take in some of the ancient attractions within the city, which have gradually built up over the 6000 year history of the location, or you can decide to travel further afield to visit the WWF National Park to see some of the protected species there, or you can travel north to see the mountainous areas of the island.
اقتصادية | USD 12.37 /يوم |
كومباك | USD 14.44 /يوم |
فان / ميني فان | USD 18.56 /يوم |
فاخرة | USD 22.69 /يوم |