Autoverhuur Sultan Ismail Petra Luchthaven (KBR)

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Autoverhuur Sultan Ismail Petra Luchthaven (KBR)

Autoverhuur Sultan Ismail Petra Luchthaven (KBR), Kota Bharu - Maleisië
Sultan Ismail Petra Airport is in the Kota Bahru area of Malaysia. It is named after the thirteenth Sultan of the Kalantin area. It was used a British airbase in the past, and was the site of the first Japanese landings in Malaya during the Second World War. Today, it is the main airport for accessing the beautiful Perhentian Islands, as well as the city of Kota Bahru itself.

To get to the Pehentians it will take approximately one a half hours by taxi; buses are available, but they peter off towards the late afternoon. Another great alternative for getting to and from the jetty for the islands, and being able to explore the fabulous Islamic city of Kota Bahru, is to hire a car for pick-up straight from the airport. VIP Cars offer competitive prices and excellent service, with no additional airport fees or taxes. Sultain Ismail Petra Airport services mainly domestic destinations, with the exception of flights to Singapore.

Goedkope Autoverhuur Aanbiedingen in Maleisië

Economie USD 9.62 /dag
Compact USD 11.55 /dag
Bus / Minibus USD 15.4 /dag
Luxe / Premium USD 18.6 /dag

Autoverhuurlocaties nabij Sultan Ismail Petra Luchthaven